Daily Journal Blog

Daily Blogs English… 30 mins

Very intrigued and anxious to start playing the remake of Final Fantasy 7, I pressed start. The first five minutes basically give the main characters origins. As I have never played a final fantasy game, I had no clue which characters they were showing as there was minimal dialogue. The first cutscene ran for about 5 minutes. After getting my first glimpse of some new characters, the first chapter is The Destructor of Mako Reactor 1. You start by controlling a character named Cloud, I personally love him, I always use him when I play SmashBros with my siblings. He has the coolest sword. I killed a few easy enemies with Cloud and started breaking into a heavily guarded place with Jessie and a few other characters. We were all part of a gig, working together to destroy the Mako Reactor. I quickly learned how to stagger enemies by practicing on a guard dog. I got used to some of Clouds controls and was having fun doing so. Learning what a power mode is was cool, using Clouds on some enemies. It looks like Jessie likes Cloud LOL! After about 20 minutes In, the character Barret. Barret and Cloud don’t really get along, but Barret is quite useful. He has a machine gun for an arm and can shoot long distance, so unlike Cloud, Barret is a good long range combat character. Cloud is the first ranked soldier which is pretty cool, the more I learn the better. It also looks like Cloud has a dark past, as now he is taking money to enter gigs and go against the government. 

Blog 2- 
I ran into a scorpion sentinel; it was pretty easy to beat as it was my first major enemy. As the scorpion would move to far distances, I had to switch from Cloud (Short-range
combat character) to Barret (Long range character). Before I destroyed the scorpion with my duo, it detonated a bomb that explodes in 20 minutes!!! The reactor blew up and took out all of the power In the city. Sector 3 and 8 have become hazardess. The Shinra government sent warnings to the unidentified subjects. (Us) Our crew knows that we have to destroy all other Mako Reactors now. After the first mission, I achieved the healing materia. I discussed what materia was in my magazine. Cloud has a flashback of a character he killed, telling him that his planet was dying, telling Cloud he had to run away and live. It is clear that cloud has a hatred, we just don’t know what for.
Blog 3- Cloud is seeing things, people are panicking, I still have a lot to figure out. A random stranger gives Cloud a yellow flower to protect him from evils. Cloud doesn’t understand as the Stanger tells him he has nothing to worry about. Some dark figure attacks them and distracts Cloud, who is focused on his visions, from guards that came from the Mako Reactor. I basically just went around the city and killed as many body guards as I could find.

Blog 4- I went on a train ride with my group to do the next mission. This train ride took a while, like ten-twenty minutes to end. I ended up hearing the groups stories, hearing Barret and TIfa’s beginnings. Barret gets into a fight with Cloud over Cloud “Scaring” his daughter. There is a juke box where you can play your favorite tunes. Tifa offered Cloud to stay in an empty apartment rent free for now. He agreed and opens up a little to Tifa. “She is a special someone”. She only gave Cloud 2000 dollars.  
Cloud has another vision. After that vision is done Cloud wakes up to most of the city under a huge construction. The civilians think Avalanche is a terrorist group, well, we are, but we are saving the planet. I basically spent my thirty minutes going around the city gathering items for my next mission.

Blog 5- I finally got to see the solar system we are in and spent some time upgrading Clouds Sword. I joined a group called “The Watch” which basically kills monsters that enter the city. Tifa showed me around the city to find the monsters. I joined this group to get my name out there for hires. I finally used some of the spells and potions I found during other missions to kill the monsters. I needed to heal faster to be able to kill the enemies. Tifa is also a character you can use to enter battle. She used spells; she has no weapon. Next to the barricade bordering the city, it is like a desert, nothing in sight. 

Blog 6- We found out through cutscenes, that Shinra makes some of the monsters, to fend off intruders and others. This time playing, I went through a ton of cutscenes while exploring through the city. Cloud spends a ton of time with Tifa, and they both talk a lot about how they need to save the planet and how it’s a living thing. The people in the city don’t know what Shinra is actually doing, killing the planet, absorbing all of its energy. Going around people, it is funny to hear what they are saying, about Avalanche, or anything.

Blog 7- Fighting random side battles, I practiced different materias and switching from Tifa to Cloud. It was very fun to switch characters during battle, learning more of what each character can do. I upgraded Cloud a lot and now his attacks look way cooler and do a lot more damage.

Blog 8- The factories reopened up again and are back in business. The civilians hate Avalanche and still don’t realize that Shinra is killing the planet. I explored some more after my brother told me that I need to gather more Materia and levels for Cloud.
Blog 9- This blog starts with civilians starting to find out who cloud is. This unlocked more mission, which I chose to complete now to upgrade my character. They were really fun as I got to explore more around the city now, and practice my combat skills.

Blog 10- Tifa and Cloud had to save Johnny, killing a few soldiers that held him hostage. As Johnny was a talker, Cloud forced him to leave the city. Tifa and Cloud become closer, Tifa has been telling Cloud how he has been different lately. Cloud shrugs it off and tells her he’s a soldier, nothing else. Tifa gets Cloud out of his comfort zone.

Blog 11- Dinner at Jessies, Jessie tells the Avalanche group her life story which takes about 20 minutes of the day. I just explored for the other ten!

Blog 12- It seems like Cloud has very good chemistry with Jessie and Tifa, they even look the same. Cloud agrees to take any job, as he gets no luck, it is all skill. Jessie asks Cloud to break into her house LOL. Jessie’s dad is in a hospital bed and Cloud steals his Shinra ID card.

Blog 13- There is a ton to explore, looking photos and letters Jessie left for her parents. Jessie used to be an actress before she joined Avalanche.

Blog 14- I went with Avalanche to destroy another MAKO reactor, these take a ton of time, so it looks like I will be on this mission for a few days.

Blog 15- Ive basically just. Been doing missions, nothing too important.

Blog 16- 

Blog 17- I have just been upgrading Cloud and doing the story mode slowly. 
