Assignment 6

Terrorists or Heros???

There are many universal themes presented in the storyline of the Remake of Final Fantasy 7. Most prevalent is the fact that the civilians are ok with killing the environment as long as it improves their quality of life or makes them money. Money is more important to the people than life itself. Shinra has been killing the planet by sucking out all of its energy with their MAKO Reactors. It kept the cities running and flowing with money, and of course, the cities people were completely fine even with knowing the planet was dying. Then there’s also corruption. How money and power are corrupting, and that those at the top will have all the power to do anything they want, even kill people, as long as it doesn’t upset social or economic order. 

How Is It Set Up?

The game sets up these themes very well, as the first mission in the storyline is to explode one of the MAKO Reactors and progressively slow down Shinra. However, instead of thanking Avalanche, the group that is saving the planet by shutting down these reactors, they hate them and call them terrorists. The civilians don’t care about the health of the planet, they just want the city to run and flow in money.
